
emma jo turns {one}

I cannot believe it has been a year since we welcomed into our family Emma Josephine Robbins.  On the other hand, she feels so right in our lives, that it’s hard to imagine we ever lived without her, and a year just doesn’t seem long enough!  Before I had children, I would hear parents talking about the love you have for your children – how you would do anything for them.  I knew that to be true, but never did I fully understand it until we had Seth and Emma.  The amount of joy, love, hope, pain, worry that they bring is indescribable and so amazing, it can only be a gift from God.  There is no way that Matthew and I were capable of producing two such amazing children – we give all the glory to our Lord for the gift that each of them are to us!

Here’s just a little random info about our baby girl…..

Emma is laid back with a little bit of that girl high maintenance streak.  She loves to laugh, smile, and DANCE (boy, does she love to dance!).  She points at everything. She is usually the instigator in the Seth and Emma wrestling matches.  She has little twinkle toes, always pointing her feet whenever standing, being held, etc.  Eating is one of her favorite activities.  She is into everything- we barely childproofed with Seth, but now know why people use plug protectors in their outlets.  Her favorite toys are her baby dolls.  She loves her sleep and sleeps with Bella (a giraffe) and Bank (a hippo blanket).  She’s usually found without shoes and socks on because, well, she takes them off.  Babies make her smile and giggle.  She has a mouth full of teeth and will use them well if you put your finger in her mouth (not recommended).  Bababa, mama, and dada are her favorite words or babble.  When she’s unhappy, you know it.  Her hair bows aren’t just a fashion statement, they’re practical with all that hair in her face.  Bathtime is her favorite time of day.  A good book makes her smile – she’ll crawl into your lap and hand you a book.  When she’s going to do something bad, she’ll look back at you with a sheepish grin before her sinful act.  She’s a good cuddler…..

I’m sure I could go on more, but she’s currently trying to get into all my cameras so I gotta run….

Happy Birthday, Emma Jo!

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