
THE RHODEN {family} // Louisville Family Photography

I was just itchin’ to get this family in front of my camera.  Catherine and I became fast friends when I moved to Louisville, and for good reason.  She’s amazing.  And her family is just as amazing.  So when she told me she liked my work, I secretly hoped they would want me to photograph them one day, then lo and behold, one day, my dreams came true. 🙂  This family is just precious, and so beautiful, inside and out.  I enjoyed every minute of this session!  Jeremy owns a furniture store in town with some pretty awesome furniture in it, so maybe next time around, Jeremy, you bring me a sweet couch for a prop, THEN let me keep it.  I think that’s fair.  Anywho, we had a GORGEOUS fall day, with the leaves pretty much at their peak.  Yep, couldn’t ask for anything better!

This family of 5 is going to be a family of 6!!

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  • hannah schreinerNovember 10, 2014 - 5:51 pm

    Love these! What a beautiful family and those leaves!!!! oh i miss those leaves!!!

leah robbins photography

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