
LILLIE + LUKE | Married!!!

This post is long overdue!! The summer has been one non-stop thing after another.  I got to spend this amazing day with Luke and Lillie back in early May, and honestly one of my biggest hang-ups with doing the blog post is because I knew how daunting picking my favorites was going to be!!!  This ranks up there as one of an all-time greats.  This couple is one for the books…..I could shoot them again and again.  The world’s sweetest, most-in-love, can’t-stop-looking-at-each-other, pretty and all the other great adjectives couple.  And have I mentioned I ADORE shooting repeat family weddings??  A few years ago, I had the privilege of shooting Lillie’s sister’s wedding (Claire & Rus).  Unfortunately for Lillie, the name Claire kept coming to mind and I called her that all day, knowing full well who I was shooting.  If it makes you feel better, Lillie, I don’t even call my own daughters by their right names :). Haha!! Again, so sorry about that :).

Anyways, I could go on and on and on and on about Lillie & Luke, but I’ll just let the photos show you.  You’ll learn all you need to about these two just by the way they looked at each other.

Huge thanks to Erin Dial for always being my shooting buddy!!



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    leah robbins photography

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