

Getting to shoot families time and time again is always such a joy, especially as you can see the kids grow and families grow.  Last month, I met up with the Brownlee family again, this time with a new little guy in the mix!  The boys, Will and Max, are cute as can be and it was great to finally meet Max.  And Will, stop growing, will you?  You know how when you don’t see a kid for awhile and then you do, you noticed how much they’ve changed, yet when you are around kids all the time (like your own), the change is so subtle, you don’t notice it until you look back at old pictures?  Well, when I see a kid that I haven’t seen in awhile and notice the change, it’s a reminder to me that the same thing is happening to my kids, but I just don’t want to admit it.  Thanks, Will, for the reminder to cherish every day cause they go quick! 🙂

Anyways, Will has this smile and laugh that radiates joy.  And I love love love how he puts his hand over his mouth when he laughs.  My Emma does that, and I think it’s the cutest thing ever!! So glad I was able to catch it on camera, because you know someday he will grow out of that.  Sweet Max, a cutie ginger, wasn’t so sure of me at first, but I eventually got him to love me 🙂 Thank you, Brownlees, for allowing me to photograph your family again! Your boys are just beautiful!


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    leah robbins photography

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